Year of Establishment : 1954
History of the department : University of Calcutta is one of the few pioneer institutions in the country to realize the practical necessity of creating facilities for agricultural education and research. Efforts in this direction began as early as 1913 with the creation of “Sri Rashbehari Ghosh Professor” chair in the Department of Botany with special reference to Agriculture.Soon after it was followed by creation of another endowment chair designated as “Khaira Professor of Agriculture’ in 1920.The Khaira Professor in Agriculture was instrumental in the formation of the Royal Commission in Agriculture in 1926 and the recommendations of the commission led to the establishment of Imperial Council of Agricultural Research which has been renamed as Indian Council of Agricultural Research after independence.Calcutta University started I.Sc(Ag) course in agriculture in 1939 at Barrackpore but it was discontinued in 1941 with the onset of second World War in 1941.In 1949, the entire establishment was shifted to Jhargram with the establishment of the first agricultural college. In 1952, The Govt. of West Bengal shifted the agricultural degree college from Jhargram to Ranikuthi(Tollygunge), Kolkata. Again in 1958, the degree college was shifted to Haringhata in Nadia which finally came into existence as Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya in 1974.
However, the Khaira Professor of Agriculture returned to Calcutta University and got himself engaged in organization of a post graduate department. A beginning was made in teaching of M,Sc(Ag) course in “Agricultural Botany” in Ballygunge Science College Campus of the University in 1954.The Department of Agriculture was upgraded to a full fledged Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary science in 1956. Professor Tarun Kumar Bose, eminent horticulturist was the first alumnus of this department and has played a key role in horticulture education at national level. Prof. P.K. Sen another illustrious faculty member of the college and a leading horticulturist of the country took decisive steps in laying the foundation of the College of Agriculture and making its presence felt across the country. Thereafter, in the year 1990 the subjects were compartmentalized and M.Sc(Ag)degree in Horticulture was conferred. To enter into the main stream of agricultural education and research as envisaged by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the University College of Agriculture was reorganized and restructured as Institute of Agricultural Science in 2002 with introduction of course credit system of teaching in six of its sister departments, Horticulture being one of them.
Since the inception of horticulture as a separate subject and thereafter upgraded to designated course curriculum, a plethora of eminent personalities comprising of alumnus and teachers in the field of Horticulture with specialization in different sub disciplines viz. pomology, olericulture, floriculture and landscaping,postharvest technology, plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants etc, have made significant contribution in horticulture research and education at national and international levels.
Name | Designation | Area of specialisation | Phone number | |
Dr Pinaki Acharya [Profile] |
Associate Professor & Head | Horticulture | [email protected] | 91-9830576299 |
Ankan Das [Profile] |
Assistant Professor | Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops | [email protected] | 9836591680 |
Name | Institutions attached with | Period of appointment |
Dr. M.K.Sadhu | Ex-Professor, Dept of Horticulture, University of Calcutta | Six months |
Dr. P.K Chattopadhyay, | Ex-Dean, Faculty of Horticulture,Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya. | Six months |
Dr Debashish Mukherjee | Ex. Deputy Director, Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (CSIR). |
Six months |
Dr Joydip Mandal | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Horticulture, Palli Siksha Bhavan Viswa Bharati, Sriniketan |
Six months |
Dr Chandan Kumar Mandal | Scientist(Hort) Ramkrishna Ashram KVK, P.O. Nimpith | Six months |
Dr Aparajita Mitra | Scientist, Birla Tissue Culture Laboratory, The Agri Horticultural Society of India, Alipore, Kolkata | Six months |
Dr. D.P. Mukhopadhyay | Ex-Deputy Director, Botanical Survey of India. | Six months |
Dr S.C Jana | Professor, Dept. of Post Harvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture, B.C. K.V. P.O. – Mohanpur, Nadia. |
Six months |
Dr. Sukanta Biswas | Ex-Chief Horticulturist. National Library, Belvedere Road, Kolkata. | Six months |
Prof. R.S. Dhua | Professor, Department of Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, Faculty of Horticulture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal | Six months |
Dr. A.K. Das | Ex-Deputy Director, National Horticulture Board. | Six months |
Dr. Asis Kumar Banik | Dept. of Post Harvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture, B.C. K.V. P.O. – Mohanpur, Nadia. |
Six months |
Dr Amitabha Ghosh | Ex Scientist, Economic Botany, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of West Bengal. | Six months |
Dr. Lopamudra Chakraborty | Ex Research Associate, Dept. of Horticulture, University of Calcutta. | Six months. |
Dr. AR Rahaman | Joint Secretary, The Agri Horticultural Society of India, Alipore, Kolkata. | Six months |
Programme | Level of study | Eligibility | Intake capacity |
M.Sc. (Ag.) | Post-Graduate | B.Sc.(Ag.)/B.Sc.(Hort)/ B.Sc.(Botany Honours) | 11 |
Ph.D (Ag.) | Doctoral | M.Sc (Ag.) in Horticulture or Allied subjects. | Subject to vacancy of Ph.D students of each Faculty. |
Certificate Course in Horticulture(In association with Carry Institute, Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Alipore, Kolkata) | Foundation | Higher Secondary | 10 |
Name | Research topic | Name of the supervisor | Date of registration |
Ms. Moumita Malakar | Genetic relatedness of Heliconia species based on Agro-Morphological Traits & DNA Marker with an accent on its Floral Biology and Shelf-Life. | Dr. Pinaki Acharyya | 17.06.2013 |
Ms. Rituparna Munshi | Isolation and characterization of salinity tolerant okra genotypes through use of biochemical and DNA markers. | Dr. Pinaki Acharyya | 17.06.2013 |
Mr. S.N Khara | Quality characterization, Varietal biodiversity and Value chain analysis of Mango. | Prof. R.S. Dhua | 19.07.2011 |
Title of the programme | Principal collaborator of the department | Name and address of the collaborating institution | Principal collaborator of the collaborating institution | Duration of the programme |
International science and technology cooperation agreement. The cooperation mode envisages joint application and implementation of scientific projects, resource sharing, exchange of scientific and technical personnel and research & development in formulating production technology procedures of agricultural products, standardized system of crop production, maturity regulation of tropical and subtropical fruit trees ,vegetable and floricultural crop development, post harvest technology and other associated fields related to horticulture development. |
Head, Department of Horticulture, University of Calcutta. | Baise National Agricultural Science and Technology zone of Guangxi, P.R. CHINA | Director, Baise National Agricultural Science and Technology zone of Guangxi, P.R. CHINA | Five years ( Oct 2011-Sept.2016) |
Cooperative agreement.Joint application and implementation of scientific projects, resource sharing, exchange of scientific and technical personnel and research & development in formulating production technology procedures of agricultural products, standardized system of crop production, maturity regulation of tropical and subtropical fruit trees ,vegetable and floricultural crop development, post harvest technology and other associated fields related to horticulture development. |
Head, Department of Horticulture, University of Calcutta | King Mongut’s University of Technology, Thonburi (KMUTT) Bangkok 10140, Thailand. | Head, Division of Postharvest Technology, School of Bioresources and Technology. |
Major thrust area
Teaching support :
Research support :
Name of the equipment | Brief description | Funding agency |
PCR 2720 Thermal Cycler (UGC) | Make up: Applied Bio-Systems Serial No. 272S9092427 Part No. 4359659 |
PCR Veriti 96 well Thermal Cycler | Make up: Applied Bio-Systems Model No: 9902 Serial No. 2990224096 |
Magnus Compound Binocular microscope | Model: MLX-B PLUS Serial No: 16B0045 |
BOD Incubator | Makeup: Priyo Chem, R.N. Tagore Road, Sodepur. Serial No: 12.13D |
Millipore Direct Q3 Water Purification system. | Product code : ZRQS0P0IN & Prefiltration unit Product code: PREFILDQ3. |
National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India. |
Cooling centrifuge | Make up :REMI Cat No. C-24BL 5/08, Compressor Model No. 412LAG, Compressor serial no. DQK-14554 |
UPE- UGC(Modern Biology) |
μ-controller based Flame photometer with Na, K filters. | Make up:Systronics,Model No: 128, Serial No.1705. | National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
UV VIS- Spectrophotometer | Make up :JASCO, Model : V-630 Serial No. Ao74661148 |
UPE- UGC(Modern Biology) |
Multi doc-IT, Digital Imaging System (UV Protected) | Make up: Pvt. Limited | UGC |
Laboratory Centrifuge R-8C | Make up:REMI, Serial no. C0LC-1798 | Institutional |
Cyclomixer | Make up:REMI, Model: CM101, Serial No.BDcm271. | Institutional |
Micro controlled based UV –VIS spectrophotometer (200-1100Nm) |
Make up: Systronics,Model No: 117. | National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Electronic analytical Balance | Make up: Sartorius. Model No: BS2235 | National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS) | Make up: Perkin Elmer. Model: A Analyst 200 |
National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Muffle furnace | Make up: Priyo Chem.India , R.N.Tagore Road, Sodepur Dimension 6”x 6” x 12” and Temperature range up to 900ºC. Temp read by pyrometer. |
National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Hot air oven | Make up: Sarada Glass & chemicals Dimensions: 24’’X24’’X24’’. Temp. range up to 250° C |
National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India. |
pH Bench Meter. | Make up-Eutech, Model No: EC PHTUTOR-D | National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India. |
Shaker | Make up: Rivotek. Model no: SELEC-RC5100 | National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Deep Freezer (-200C)Chest Type | Make up: Bluestar. | Institutional Grant. |
Conductivity meter | Make up: Systronics Model : 306 Serial No: 1973 |
Institutional Grant |
Conductivity meter | Make up: Systronics Model : 308 Serial No: 383 |
National Horticulture Mission, Ministry of Agriculture,Govt. of India |
Links :
Additional information :
Syllabus is revised recently and available in the
Campus : Ballygange Science College campus
Address for communication : Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science, University of Calcutta, Annex Building-III, 51/2, Hazra Road, Kolkata – 700019