Academic Departments University of Calcutta

[ Obituary: Prof. Biswanath Koley (1930-2020) ]


Year of Establishment :  1911

History of the department : Department of Physiology was established in the Presidency College campus at the dawn of the 20th Century under the initiative of Professor Subodh Chandra Mahalanabis. Later the Post Graduate teaching started in 1911. Subsequently the department was shifted to presently known Rashbehari Shiksha Prangan (popularly known as Science College – Rajabazar) Campus. The department has completed the first hundred years of its journey. In the process it has produced a large number of alumni, who have left indelible mark in research, teaching, academic administration in different parts of the country and abroad. They have received coveted Bhatnagar award, headed universities, national research institutes of repute and leading IIMs also and obtained fellowships of different national scienceacademies.


Faculty Members :
Name Area of specialisation  Email
Professor Debasish Bandyopadhyay
Professor Biswadev Bishayi
Immunology and Microbiol
Professor Sanjit Dey
Professor Somnath Gangopadhyay
Dr Nilkanta Chakrabarti 
Brain & Cognitive Physiol; Rep. Physiology
Associate Professor
Dr Roshnara Misra (HOD)
Nutrition and Pharmacology
Assistant Professor
Dr Rajen Haldar
Biophysics and electrophysiology
Dr Amit  Bandyopadhyay
Sports and Exercise Physiology
Dr Sreya Chattopadhyay 
Immunology; Cell Signalling, Cancer Biol

Courses :

Programme  Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
Ph.D.  doctoral   M.Sc. in Physiology or equivalent  
M.Sc. PG B.Sc. Hons in Physiology 39


Completed/On Going Research Projects
Granting Agency Title of the Grant Duration Sanctioned Project Cost Principal Investigator
DST, Govt. of India   An Ergonomical Study on Indian Jewellery Manufacturing Workers 2007-2010   Prof. A. M. Chandra
(Collaboration with Prof. A Dey, NITIE Mumbai)


Studies on the antineoplastic compounds (peptides & proteins) of the Indian toad (Bufo melanostictus, Schneider) skin extract.


2007-2010       Rs. 12,00,000        Prof. A. Gomes
DST, Govt of India. Antiosteoporosis and antiosteoarthritic activity of Viviparous bengalensis extract in experimental model. 2009-2011 Rs. 35,00,000 Prof. A. Gomes
Center of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology,
University of Calcutta
Toxicological evaluation of gold nanoparticle in experimental animal models. 2009-2010 Rs.   3,00,000 Prof. A. Gomes
LSRB, DRDO   Physiological evaluation of scorpion venom factor(s) in experimental osteoporosis. 2005-2008 Rs. 16,00,000 Prof. A. Gomes
ICMR Development of scorpion venom antagonist from Indian Medicinal Plants. 2006-2009 Rs. 12,00,000 Prof. A. Gomes
UPE, University of Calcutta Studies on fresh water edible snail (Bellamia bengalensis) extract on experimental arthritis. 2006-2009 Rs.   1,50,000 Prof. A. Gomes
NTRF   Effect of Green and Black Tea Extracts on Endocrine System (Thyroid-Gonadal) with Possible Mode of Action. 2007-2009      Rs.   7,00,000      Prof. A. K. Chandra
UGC   Studies on Mechanism of Chromium and Vanadium Induced alteration in Male Gonadal and Adrenal Activities with the Possible Prevention. 2007-2010 Rs. 11,00,000 Prof. A. K. Chandra
ICMR Task Force Study UPE, Consumption Pattern of Carbonated Soft Drinks of Indian Population at Different Times of the Year 2007-2008 Rs.   6,00,000 Prof. A. K. Chandra
University of Calcutta   Studies on the Morphological and Functional Status of Thyroid Under the Influence of Calcium and Magnesium. 2007-2009 Rs.   1,50,000 Prof. A. K. Chandra
UPE, University of Calcutta Studies on the Morphological and Functional Status of Male Gonads Under the Influence of Calcium and Magnesium. 2008-2010 Rs.   1,50,000 Prof. A. K. Chandra
DIPAS, DRDO   Effect of Hypobaric Hypoxia on Some Immune Response in Rats 2006-2010   Rs.   9,84,000   Prof. T. K. Ghosh  
UGC (Post-doctoral Fellowship) The Immunomodulatory Role of Neural Centers Involved in Depression in Rat as an Animal Model of Depression 2009-2012 Rs.  8,70,000 Prof. T. K. Ghosh
ICMR Studies on molecular mechanism of macrophage response during experimental murine staphylococcal infection and its implication in septic Shock. 2005-2008 Rs.  5,50,000
Dr B Bishayi
DRDO Studies on the effects of cytokine and antigen induced immune cell activation on steroidogenesis in murine lymphoid organ and murine peripheral leukocytes-its relation to chronic inflammatory disease. 2006-2009 Rs. 10,00,000 Dr B Bishayi
DBT Highly efficient and simple methods for the preparation of active laccase antibody conjugates for enzyme-immunoassay and immunoblots 2007-2010 Rs. 15,00,000 Dr B Bishayi
CSIR Role of Staphylococcus aureus coagulase and TSST in the pathogenesis of Staphylococcal infection and studies on the involvement of oxidative stress post-infection and possible remediation through antioxidant-antibiotic co-therapeutic approach in mice” [No: 37(1369)/09/EMR-II dated 12.10.2009] Dec 2009 –Nov 2012 Rs. 15,50,000 Dr B Bishayi
Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
URF, UGC Role of Antibiotics on TSST-1 and Coagulase Positive S. aureus Induced Sepsis and Progression of Arthritis in Mice : Correlating with Levels of Inflammatory Mediators 2009-2010 Rs.  2,65,000 Dr B Bishayi
UPE, UGC Immunobiological Studies of Artificial Nucleosides,Cytokines and Dexamethasone on LPS Induced Eudotoxic Shock in Murine Model 2007-2009 Rs.  1,00,000 Dr B Bishayi
DBT Neuroscience Studies on Neuroendocrine immune interaction in response to bacterial infection  2011-2012 Rs 15 lakhs Dr B Bishayi
ICMR Indo-US Project Economic Evaluation of Intervention to Prevent Manual Material Handling Injuries in the Informal Labour Sector 2009-2012 Rs. 23,00,000 Dr. S. Gangopadhyay
AICTE An Ergonomic Study on Repetitive Tasks of Workers Working in Different Organised and Unorganised Sectors of India 2000-2003 Rs.  2,75,000 Dr. S. Gangopadhyay
DBT As Co-investigator with Department of Polymer Science-Continuing 2007-2009 Rs. 20,000,00 Dr. Sanjit Dey
DST, Govt. of India Development of appropriate prevention and intervention strategies for non-communicable nutrition related disorders among women in post-reproductive period 2007-2008 Rs.  9,65,000 Dr. Sanjit Dey
DBT Anti Dyslipidemic Effect of Moringa oleifera (sajina) Leaf and Seed Extract 2008-2010 Rs. 19,00,000 Dr. Sanjit Dey
DAE, UGC Radioprotective action of Moringa oleifera principles 2009-2011 Rs.  4,50,000 Dr. Sanjit Dey
CRN, Nanoscience Radiation Protection using Nano compounds of Moringa oleifera principles. 2009-2011 Rs.  2,00,000 Dr. Sanjit Dey
UPE, UGC Exploring the role of Melatonin as a Cardio-protective agent against Isoproterenol induced myocardial ischemia 2009-2011 Rs.  1,50,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
UPE, UGC Studies on protective effects of aqueous extracts of the leaves of Murraya koenigii and Ocimum sanctum against cadmium-induced oxidative stress in rat liver and heart 2009-2011 Rs.  1,50,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
UPE, UGC Studies on protective  role of Melatonin against adrenaline induced oxidative stress in heart and liver tissues of male albino rats 2009-2011 Rs.  1,50,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
RFSMS Scheme, University of Calcutta Studies on the antioxidant potentials of the aqueous extracts of Terminalia arjuna against oxidative stress induced in vitro 2009-2011 Rs.  4,00,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
URF, UGC Studies on protective effects of aqueous extracts of the leaves of Murraya koenigii and melatonin against lead-induced oxidative stress in liver, heart and kidney  tissues of male Wistar rats 2009-2011 Rs.  2,65,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
UGC (Minor) Exploring the antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of the bark of Terminalia arjuna 2009-2011 Rs. 65,000 Dr. D. Bandyopadhyay
UPE, UGC Studies on Indian Fresh Water Mussel (Lamellidens marginalis) Extract on Experimental Arthritis 2008-2010 Rs.  1,50,000 Dr. R. Mishra
UPE, UGC Snake banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus) Venom Induced Local / Systemic Effects and Its Neutralization by Plants Extracts – an Experimental Study 2009-2011 Rs.  1,50,000 Dr. R. Mishra
Minor Research Grant, UGC Study of Hematological Parameters and Characterization of Hemoglobin in Smokers 2008-2010 Rs.     98,000 Dr. R. Haldar


Campus : Rashbehari Siksha Prangan (Rajabazar Science College Campus)

Address for communication : Department of Physiology, 92, A.P.C Road, Kolkata-700 009, India