Academic Departments University of Calcutta


Year of Establishment : 1916

History of the department : In academic arena in 19th century world context, Psychology was considered to be a new inclusion of Science. Wilhelm Wundt in the University of Leipzig, first realized the importance of studying mental states under certain special experimental conditions as a separate science. The closing years of the 19th century witnessed the appearance of a new branch of science which came to be known as “Experimental Psychology”. Impressed by its promise and progress, Sir Asutosh Mukherjee, who was then the planning head to introduce at the Calcutta University Post-Graduate course of studies in various disciplines of Arts and Science, decided to include “Experimental Psychology” in his list. At his request eminent philosopher Dr.BrojendraNath Seal, King George V Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy of the same University, drew up the syllabus in 1905 after consulting the courses of studies of different Universities in Europe and America, and established a laboratory for demonstration purpose. Eleven years later this laboratory was upgraded as the first Psychology Department, theDepartment of Experimental Psychology.

NarendraNathSengupta, who chaired this department, had his education at Harvard University with Hugo Munsterberg, a student of William Wundt. Laboratory research at Calcutta in the areas of depth perception, psychophysics, and attention inspired early work at other centres. Recognizing the scientific nature of research, psychology was included as a separate section in the Indian Science Congress in 1923.

Thus, psychology in India at an early stage acquired the status of a science along with physical and biological sciences. The Indian Psychological Association was founded in 1924 and the Indian Journal of Psychology, the first psychology journal in India, appeared the very next year.

Before these experimental traditions could consolidate, Sengupta left Calcutta. He was succeeded by GirindraShekhar Bose.

He established the Lumbini Park Mental Hospital in Calcutta in 1940, and in 1947 brought out a journal 'Samiksha'.

The Department started an Applied Psychology Wing in 1938, when Jung, Meyers, and Spearman were invited to the Silver Jubilee Session of the Indian Science Congress. In 1945, the University started a Certificate Course in Applied Psychology for one year only for improving training to workers and students interested in the subject. In 1969, the University under the Vice Chancellor, Prof. S.N. Sen and Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. P.K. Bose and with the untiring efforts of Prof. S.N. Roy, established a separate department of Applied Psychology.

Starting from Calcutta University Department, Psychology in India has been expanding rapidly in 21st century. There seems to be the growth of Psychology in having a number of eminent research and clinical institutes in its developmental fold. The areas of research interests are covering the topics of Neuropsychology, Counselling Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology, Indigenous Psychology, Developmental disability, Media Psychology, Cross-cultural Psychology, studies on aggression and terrorism, in addition to continuous interest in clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Teaching and research always remained the primary focus of the department, and good many scholars carrying on their doctoral research work every year and make important contributions to the discipline of Psychology. While the department started with a quantitative tradition following the then dominant trend in social sciences, but subsequent during last 2 decades responding to the paradigm shift in Social Sciences, significant researches are being carried out using qualitative research methodology.

Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body :

  • Special Assistance Programme (SAP) DRS –I & II;
  • Participation in CPEPA
  • RCI recognized course of M.Phil. Clinical Psychology (2005-2015)


Faculty Members :
Name Designation Area of specialization Email/Phone number
Prof. (Dr.) Pritha Mukhopadhyay
Professor Clinical Psychology Neuropsychobiology, Electrophysiology,Psychophysiology [email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjukta. Das
Professor Clinical Psychology, Adult Development and Ageing [email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Sonali De
Professor Social Psychology, Qualitative Research Methods [email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Tilottama Mukherjee
Professor Clinical Psychology,  Health psychology, personality disorders,
child and adolescent mental health,Psychotherapy
[email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Anindita Chaudhuri
Professor and Head Social & Community Psychology, Self and Identity [email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Manisha Dasgupta
Professor Gerontology, Qualitative Methodology, Projective Psychology, Art-based assessments & Clinical Psychology [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. (Dr.) Deepshikha Ray
Professor Experimental studies in Social and Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology using qualitative methods [email protected]
Dr. Atanu Kumar Dogra
Assistant Professor Psychological Assessment & Quantitative methods of data analysis; Neurodevelopmental Disorders atanudogra2006@
Dr. Somdeb Mitra
Assistant Professor Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy Research [email protected]

Courses :

Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
M.A./M.Sc. in Psychology
[Click here for syllabus]
P.G. In accordance of merit in B.A./ B.Sc. Examination 42
Ph.D. in Psychology Research M.A./ M.Sc. in Psychology/ Applied Psychology; getting qualified in Ph.D. Entrance Examination/NET/SET and Course Work  


Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department/ centre :
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Developmental Disability
  • Social Psychology
  • Cognitive Neuropsychology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Qualitative Research
Research support :

List of Psychological Test Materials

Sl No Name of Equipments /Test Materials
1 Advanced Progressive Matrices – Set-I
2 Advanced progressive Matrices – Set-II
3 Bhatia’a Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
4 BinetKamat Test of Intelligence ( BKT)
5 Cattell’s Culture Fair Test of Intelligence
6 Coloured Progressive Matrices ( CPM )
7 Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children (MISIC)
8 Seguin Form Board Test
9 Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM)
10 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
11 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III  (WAIS-III)
12 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV  (WAIS-IV)
13 Wechsler Adult Performance Intelligence Scale  (WAIS)
14 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
15 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R)
16 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV (WISC-IV)
Projective Tests 
17 Children’s Apperception Test(CAT)-Animal
18 Children’s Apperception Test(CAT)-Human
19 Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study
20 Rorschach Ink Blot Test (RIT)
21 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Measures of assessment of cognitive functions
22 Bender Gestalt Visuo-Motor Test ( BGT )
23 PGI – BBD
 Neuropsychological test
24 NIMHANS Neuropsychological Test Battery
25 Luria Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
26 Tower of London Test
27 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
28 Basic MR
29 Basal MR
30 Mental Retardation
31 16 P F Test
32 Beck Depression Inventory
33 Bell’s Adjustment Inventory
34 Childhood Autism Rating Scale
35 Developmental Screening Test
36 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
37 Guilford Zimmerman Interest Inventory
38 PGI Memory Scale
39 Vineland Social Maturity Scale
40 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
List of instruments
41 Mirror Drawing Apparatus
42 GSR
43 RMS Computerized Bio Feedback System
44 Response Recorder
46 Reaction Timer
47 Stopwatch
48 Television
49 DVD Player
50 Laptop
51 Projector
52 Handycam
53 Voice Recorder
55 IBM SPSS STAT base 21.0
Major activities :
  • Organized Refresher Course in Behavioural Science, 2020.
  • Organized Short-Term Course in Soft Skills Training, 2018-2019.
  • Inter-Departmental Research Project of UGC on “Electro-physiological and Neuro-imaging studies including mathematical modeling” under the Scheme Centre with Potential for Excellence in Particular Area (CPEPA) –Participating departments are Psychology, Applied Mathematics and Physiology.
  • The Department of Psychology, University of Calcutta has successfully completed its research work, being credited with the Centre for the Study of Developmental Disability under DRS-I, Special Assistance Programme, sponsored by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and is successfully running the second phase of the programme, namely, DRS-II. .
  • Organized Centenary Conference in Psychology: An International Event, from 9th-11th October, 2015, in collaboration with the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta at Nano Center, Salt Lake, University of Calcutta
  • Organized National Seminar on History of Psychology in India on 18-19th March, 2015 in collaboration with the Department of Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta and Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark, Kolkata.
  • Organized International Conference on Developmental Disability, 6th-8th March, 2014.
Additional information:

Academic & Other Activities :

  • Regular theoretical and practical classes and tutorials
  • Regular seminars, journal clubs, --movie clubs, case conferences, group discussions with audio-visual medium
  • Field work and community based research, ethnographic research
  • Individual student counseling
  • Regular assessments of the students through assignments

Clinical Services Offered (with regular faculty supervision) :

  • Common facilities provided to the community through assessment, counseling and psychotherapy to psychiatric patients referred by different government hospitals and N.G.O’s.
  • Common facilities are also provided to N.G.O. s which deal with disability and with other physical disorders (cancer, hypertension, HIV etc.).
  • These services are rendered without any monetary charges.
  • Clinical assessment in different “Disability Camps” organized by Govt. & Non- Govt. Institutions allover state.
  • In C.U.I.I.P.P. (Calcutta University Industry Institute Partnership Programme), the Department has clinical diagnostic and counseling unit, since 2002.

Source of referral of clients :

  1. Department of Psychiatry, Calcutta Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
  2. Department of Psychiatry, NilratanSircar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
  3. Department of Psychiatry, R. G.Kar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
  4. Department of Psychiatry, M. R.Bangur Hospital, Kolkata
  5. Department of Psychiatry, National Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata
  6. Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research, Kolkata (known as Institute of Psychiatry)
  7. Department of Child Psychiatry, Institute of Child Health, Kolkata
  8. Department of Pediatrics, Institute of Child Health, Kolkata
  9. Pavlov Hospital, Kolkata
  10. Mon Foundation, Center for Mental Health Care, Kolkata
  11. Department of Neurology, ESI Hospital, Kolkata
  12. Port Trust Hospital, Kolkata
  13. B. R. Singh Hospital, Kolkata
  14. Border Security Force Hospital, Kolkata
  15. Police Hospital, Kolkata
  16. Department of Psychiatry, Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata
  17. Department of Psychiatry, Vivekananda Institute of Postgraduate Education &Research, Ramakrishna Mission Hospital, Kolkata
  18. District Hospitals of various districts of West Bengal
  19. Referrals from Consultant Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Special Educators, Physicians, Pediatrics, School & College Counselors as well as teachers
  20. Different NGOs, Special and Regular Schools.


Campus : Rashbehari Siksha Prangan (Rajabazar Science College Campus)

Address for communication : Department of Psychology, 92, A.P.C Road, Kolkata-700 009, India, Dial: 2350-8386/6387/6396/1397 (Extn. 381)