Academic Departments University of Calcutta
[ Special Lecture - Department of History ]
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Year of Establishment : 1913

History of the department : The Faculty of Arts, which was one of the four faculties that comprised the University of Calcutta, used to teach courses on History and Culture from a very early date. In 1913 the Department of History was established as a distinct entity within the Faculty of Arts, with eminent historians like Subodh Chandra Mukherjee, Rakhaldas Banerjee teaching in the department. A chair of Ancient Indian History and Culture was founded at the initiative of Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee for which the first appointee was Professor George Thibaud. In 1919, M.A degree in Ancient Indian History and Culture was introduced and the subject was taught under the department of History. Later in 1932, a separate department of Ancient Indian History and Culture was created. In 1930, a Chair Professor of Medieval and Modern Indian History was instituted in the name of Ashutosh Mukherjee, Professor Surendranath Sen being the first to hold it. In 1940 a separate department of Islamic History and Culture was set up to teach Islamic History and Culture at the post-graduate level. Since then the Department of History as a post graduate department primarily focused on Indian History from Late Medieval to Modern Period, History of Europe and other Non-European Countries. The post graduate syllabus was upgraded to included new areas of study with compulsory papers on colonial period from 1757-1947, History of China and Japan, History of Europe, Industrial revolution, Intellectual History and Political Thought, Indian Foreign Policy. There were also elective papers on a wide range of new subjects. The Department offers courses that lead to M.A, M.Phil and Ph.D degrees. The syllabus is regularly updated to include new areas of research. A fair number of eminent historians such as Professors Surebdranath Sen, Indubhushan Banerjee, Anil Chandra Banerjee, N.K. Sinha, Amalesh Tripathi, Arun Dasgupta, Benoy Bhushan Chaudhuri played a pioneering role in different fields of historical research over the years, helping the department obtain UGC-Department of Special Assistance (DSA) programme as early as 1977. The department passed through four phases of the DSA programme by 2006, during which faculty members developed diverse specialisations like economic history of India, history of nationalism, and social history and helped obtain the status of Centre for Advanced Studies in 2007. The Department entered the second phase of the CAS programme in 2013, in course of which invited lectures, international and national level seminars and Conferences were organised by the Department on regular basis. As new areas of research open up our faculty and students have begun to engaged in research on urban history, Gender, Identity Politics, Intellectual History, History of Science Technology and Medicine, Contemporary History, and Decolonisation. The department continues to create an environment of cutting-edge research in the discipline of history as well newly-emerging interdisciplinary fields. It looks forward to a future of intellectual exchange at home and abroad, and to promote a better understanding of human experience through the lens of history.

Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body :  The Department of History University of Calcutta was upgraded as Centre for Advanced Study by the University Grants Commission in May 2007 and continues as Centre of Advanced Studies for the second term from 2013


Faculty Members :
Name Designation Area of specialisation Email/Phone number
Dr. Suparna Gooptu
[ Profile ]
Professor, Director, CGS Women's History and Gender Studies [email protected]
2359 9985
Dr. Amit Dey
[ Profile ]
Professor & Head Mediaval Indian History/IslamicThought [email protected]
2425 4645
(After 9PM)
Dr. Rachana Chakrabarti
[ Profile ]
Professor History of Education in Colonial Bengal & Gender Studies colonial period. [email protected]
2431 9948
Dr. Shantanu Chakrabarti
[ Profile ]
Professor Contemporary History of India/Regional Cooperation/Case Studies and Conflict Resolution [email protected]
[email protected]
2441 4509
Dr. Raj Sekhar Basu
[ Profile ]
Professor (On lien) Modern Indian History/Caste
Movement/History of Medicine
[email protected]
2438 3067
Dr. Shouvik Mukhopadhyay
[ Profile ]
Associate Professor Early Medieval South India, 18th century India [email protected]
Dr. Ritwika Biswas
[ Profile ]
Professor ontemporary History of India / Political Movements [email protected]
Dr. Kingshuk Chatterjee
[ Profile ]
Professor Political Islam; International relations of the Middle East [email protected]
[email protected]
Dr. Sarada Ghosh
[ Profile ]
Assistant Professor Women’s/Gender History [email protected]
2556- 7357
Visiting faculty members :
Name Institutions attached with Period of appointment
Professor Ajay Dandekar Department of History
Shiv Nadar University
25.2.2016- 28.2.2016
Dr. Madhumita Majumdar Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology Ahmedabad 25.2.2016- 28.2.2016
Professor Ujjain Bhattacharya Department of History
Vidyasagar University
One week
Professor Achintya Datta Department of History
Burdwan University
Two weeks
Professor  Sujata Mukherjee Department of History
Rabindra Bharati University
One week
Dr. Hiten Patel Department of History
Rabindra Bharati University
Two weeks
Professor Shobhanlal Datta Gupta ( Retd) Department of Political Science
University of Calcutta
One week
Professor K.L Tuteja Formerly Department of History Kurukshetra University
Senior Fellow Centre for Advanced Studies Shimla
Two weeks
Professor Margaret Hunt Department of History Uppsala University Twenty one days
Dr. Lena Roos Department of Theology Uppsala University Twenty one days

Courses :

Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
M.A Post Graduate B.A in History/ related fields 158
M.Phil Research M.A in History/ related fields 20
Ph.D Doctoral programme M.A/M.Phil in History/ related fields According to availability of seats


Research scholars :
Name Research topic Name of the supervisor Year of registration
Alak Mandal Biplabi Jatiyatabad Theke Biplabi Samajtantre Uttaran: Bharater Biplabi Samajtantri Daler Udhav O Bikash (1940-1977) N. Basu 2012
Aminuddin Sheikh Santrasbad Ebong Dui Banglar Muslim Samaj (1922-2012) S. Chakrabarti 2013
Anamika Nandy Culture Politics and Historians: Historical consciousness in Early Twentieth Century Bengal. B. Chakrabarti 2009
Ananya Roy Choudhury Political Processes and Ideologies in Early Bengal: Circa Fifth to the Thirteenth Century CE S. Mukhopadhyay 2015
Anindita Bandopadhyay Gandhi’s Journalism making of Man and the Mahatma S.Gooptu 2008
Balaram Das Romesh Chandra Datta – Jiban O Rachana 1872-1909: Ak Aitihasik Samiksha S. Dasgupta 2013
Basabdutta Chanda Wildlife Conservation in India 1920-1985: Issues of Changing Consciousness A.Bandopadhyay 2013
Bhaswati Chakravorti The Second Social Reform Movement: Gender and Society in Bengal in 1930’s Samita Sen 2011 (Re-registered)
Biman Samaddar Kolkata Shahartalir Udbastu Colonir Sangathaner Swarup O Rajnitikaran (1947- 1977): Ekti Samiksha S. Mukherjee 2012
Chandrakala Datta A Study of Women in Scientific Technical and Medical Education in Calcutta ( 1947- 74) Rachana Chakraborty 2012
Debdutta Chakraborty Understanding A Renaissance Man-The Life and Contribution of Sir Asutosh Mukherjee Ranjit Sen 2013
Gautam Kumar Bhagat Oupanibeshik Amale Bharatiya Rail O Parivartanshil Prajukti 1853-1947. S. Maswood 2014
Gobinda Prasad Kar Nationalist Politics and Mass Movement in Tamluk 1905-1942 R.Biswas 2013
Indrajit Biswas Science and Colonialism: Perspectives on Geology and Botany in Colonial India A.Bandopadhyay & S. Sanyal 2012
Kamalika Mukherjee Allegories of Womenhood: Gender in the popular Visual Culture of late 19th and early 20th century Bengal T. Guhathakurata 2009 Re-registered
Kanchana Mukhopadhyay The French Colonisation in Bengal and its Socio-Economic Impact (1874-1972) A.Bandopadhyay & Lipi Ghosh 2009
Krishnakali Mitra Colonial Attitudes to ‘Tribes” of Bengal 1800-1947 S.Dasgupta 2008
Madhuri Bhattacharya Aroj Ali Matabbar: A Folk Philosopher of 20th century Bangladesh A.Dey 2012
Mandira Sarkar Women Issues in Bengali Periodicals: Debates and Deliberations 1905-1952 S.Gooptu 2015
Monideepa Bhattacharjee Position of Women in the Vaishnava and Popular Islamic Traditions of Bengal circa 1486-1900 A.Dey & S. Mukhopadhyay 2013
Nabanita De Radio, Politics and Culture: A Case Study of Akashvani Kolkata B.Chakrabarti 2009
Nibedita Das Women Legislations in Late Colonial India H.S.Vasudevan & S.Maswood 2014
Palash Mondal Biplabi Jatiyatabad Theke Ganatantrik Samajbade Uttaran: Banglar Biplabi Goshi Sri Sangha N.Basu 2012
Pranab Barman Ranigunj Anchaler Koila Silpa: Sramik O Sramik Andolan: Bissataker Trisher Dasak Theke Shottorer Dasak S.Mukhopadhyay & B.Chakrabarti 2015
Prasanta Kumar Pal Changing Face of Hooghly: From a Port City to Semi-urban Township (From 16th to 19th century) S. Mukhopadhyay 2013
Prasenjit Biswas Social Mobility and the Dynamics of Cast: The Mahishyas of South West Bengal A.Dey 2008
Priscilla Namrata Rozario Catholic Community of Bengal in the 20th Century K. Chatterjee 2014
Rajkumar Chakraborty The Party and the People: The Communists and the Dynamics of Polular Mobilisation in South Bengal, 1936-1978 S. Maswood 2012
Ramkrishna Roy Harekrishna Konar (1915- 1976): A Historical Biography of a Pioncer in Communist Movement in Bengal S. Das 2010 Re-registered
Rana Roy Impact of the Swadeshi Movement outside Bengal (1905- 1911) H. Banerjee 2012
Riddhishankar Ray Zamindari in 20th century Bengal: Rent, society and Politics 1900-1947 A.Bandopadhyay & Atis Dasgupta 2012 Re-registered
Saika Hossain Muslim Women in White Collar Jobs: Bengal in1920-74 Sarada Ghosh 2012
Saikat Mondal Bibartan, Sanghat, Rupantar: Krishnanagar, Kalighat O Kumartulir Mritsilpi Sampralay: Bingsha Shataker Trisher Dastak theke Ashir Dasak S. Maswood 2012
Saumya Bose Right Nationalism and the Idea of an Alternative mode of Governance: A Comparative Study of Bengal and Maharashtra in the First half of the 20th century. R. Biswas & S. Sanyal 2014
Sarmistha Maiti Congress and Urban politics in Bengal: A study in Leadership, Collaboration and Political Mobilisation in Bengal 1920-1952 S Chatterjee 2012
Shilpi Oraw The Oraon People of West Bengal and Government Policy regarding Development of Tribes 1936-1980 A.Bandopadhyay & H.S.Vasudevan 2015
Sinjini Dutta Reading Identity Mazes in Post-Modern and Post-colonial West African consciousness K. Chatterjee & H.S.Vasudevan 2013
Sreyashi Sarkar State, Society and Public Health: The Prostitutes of Bengal (1864-1986) S. Chatterjee 2012
Subhendu Sikdar Banglar Sramik O Sramik Andolan (1870-1950) Ebong Bangla Sahitya N.Basu 2008
Sudipta Sardar The administration if the Railways in the Colonial Period (1850- 1920): A Perspective from Eastern India R.S.Basu & N. Basu 2013  
Sujata Banerjee Engineering Education in India: Cross Regional Study c. 1909-1964 A.Bandopadhyay 2014
Surajit Gupta A Rural Caste’s Search for a New Identity: Caste Consciousness and protest among the Bagdis in Bengal 1871-1919 R.S.Basu 2013
Swapan Mondal Land Reclamation and its Political Context: Gosaba; A case Study 1930-1970 S. Chatterjee & R.Biswas 2013
Swapna Sarkar Udvastu Jan O Paschimbanga Jana Jiban: Ekti Mulyayan Deshbhag O Sharanarthi Samasya 1946-78 R.Biswas 2013
Swati Bandyopadhyay
(nee Maitra)
Primary Education in Bengal: The Organisation and Movement of the Primary Teachers (1935-1977) N.Basu 2009
Sweta Dey A Study of Primary Education in Undivided Bengal R.Chakraborty 2014
Tanmoy Ghosh Hughli Jelar Krisak Andalan 1930-1955 A.Dey 2008
Tina Basu A Study of the Damodar Valley Corporation: Perception of the Government, Media and the Papulaca (1943-2000) R.S.Basu & A. Bandopadhyay 2013
Upama Biswas Banglar Nari O Rajniti: Manan O Karmadhara 1905- 1947 Sarada Ghosh 2012

Collaborations : Linnaeus Palme Exchange Programme Between Uppsala University and Calcutta University Linnaeus Palme Exchange programme between Uppsala University and Calcutta University is an exchange Programme of Faculty and Students of both universities. It started in 2005 and began with the department of Ethnology Uppsala University and History Department Calcutta University. Next year Department of History Uppsala University took the responsibility of coordinating the programme. Then onwards the programme has run uninterruptedly between the departments of History of both Universities. There are future possibilities of the programme having a new dimension with a focus on specific courses on migration and refugee problem in global perspective.

Seminars/ Workshops (April 2014 - March 2016) :

Date Seminar /Workshop Resource Persons
17 3 2015 War and Peace in Twentieth Century Prof. Purusottam Bhattacharya, Dept. of International Relations, Jadavpur University
Prof. Anirudh Deshpande, Dept. of History, Delhi University
30 & 31 March 2015 Jawaharlal Nehru and the Making of Modern India Amal Kumar Mukhopadhyay, (President, Council for Political Studies)
Samir Kumar Das (Dean, Faculty of Arts, C.U.)
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, (Former Vice-Chancellor, Viswa Bharati)
Suranjan Das, (Vice Chancellor, J.U.)
  21 4 2015 Social Stratification in India: The Study of Caste as a Social Category Dr. Bimal Kumar Sit (Nekursoni Vivekananda Vidyamandir, Paschim Madnapore)
Dr. Swagata Sarkar (Asst. Professor in History, Kulti College)
Dr. Manosanta Biswas (Asst. Professor Department of History, N.S.O.U.)
Dr. Anirban Bandyopadhyay J.N.U.
18.12.2015 Sahisnutar Bayan: Bharater Itihase Dwanda O Samanya Prof. Ratnabali Chattopadhyay
Prof. Amit Dey
Dr. Shouvik Mukhopadhyay
18.03.2016 Asylums in Colonial India Prof. Biswamoy Pati (Nehru Memorial and Library)
Dr. Debjani Das
30.3.2016 Dynamics of Politics, Society and Culture in Bengal: A Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Perspective Prof. Atluri Murali
Prof. Srilata Chatterjee
Dr. Ritwika Biswas
Dr. Sutapa Rani Das Gupta
Dr. Tista Das
Dr. Mimasa Pandit
Dr. Manosanta Biswas
Dr. Shrimoyi Guha
Dr. Urvi Mukhopadhyay
Ramanuj Mukhopadhyay

Additional information :

  • Faculty Exchange Programme with Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Refresher Course and Workshops for faculty development programme


Campus : Alipore (Shahid Kshudiram Siksha Prangan)

Address for communication : Department of History, 1 Reformatory Street, Alipur, Kolkata 700027