
Seminar/Webinar (2023)

Date Notice
28-12-23 Change of time --- Lecture by Prof. Suborno Issac Bari
26-12-23 International Sanskrit Symposium
26-12-23 Lecture by Suborno Isaac Bari
13-12-23 6th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023-24
Shortlisted participants for Oral Presentation 
12-12-23 Prof. R. K. Poddar Memorial lecture --- Organized by Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
7-12-23 Workshop on Computation Using Python and Learning Latex --- Organized by the Dept. of Applied Mathematics
20-11-23 National Sanskrit Symposium on Trayī and the Atharvaveda --- Department of Sanskrit
3-11-23 Workshop on Skill Development for Environmentally Responsible behaviour at workplace --- Department of Education in Collaboration with
RUSA 2.0
31-10-23 International Seminar and International skill training hands-on workshop --- Department of Education
10-10-23 International Conference on 'Sustainability, Global Diversity, Inclusion, and Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives' --- Department of Education
26-9-23 7days Orientation Program for Students --- Department of Sanskrit
5-9-23 XXXIII Annual Conference of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy &
International Seminar
on Advances in Plant Systematics, Biogeography and Biodiversity Conservation
Organized by Department of Botany
1-9-23 Submission of Abstracts for Regional and West Bengal State Science & Technology Congress 2023-24
11-8-23 Six Day Hands-On Workshop in Forensic Anthropology (24th August - 1st September 2023)

"ANNUAL COLLOQUIUM 2023" by the Indian Academy of Neuroscience [Kolkata Chapter] on 25th August 2023 at the S. N. Pradhan Centre for Neurosciences

9-8-23 Post-Congress of the World Anthropology Congress 2023 (PCWAC 2023)
7-8-23 International Seminar on “Advances in Plant Systematics, Biogeography and Biodiversity Conservation (APSBBC-2023)” to be held from 25th to 27th November 2023
11-7-23 2nd Academia to Industry Interface Conclave (a2i2) --- Department of Zoology
17-6-23 SOCIAL OUTREACH FOR THE STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION - One Day Awareness Programme scheduled --- Department of Education
13-4-23 A Special Lecture on Harichand-Guruchand Thakur and Motua Movement in Bengal --- Department of Anthropology
12-4-23 National Seminar on Soil, Water and Environment
Organized by
Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science
25-3-23 International Seminar on Literature and Aesthetics: Poetics of the Affective
Jointly organized by the Department of Comparative Indian Literature and Language and Department of English
20-3-23 Two Day National Level Conference
On Education Policy : Development, Analysis, and Impact
Organized by: Department of Education
16-3-23 Joint seminar with J.N.U. students --- Department of French
9-3-23 Two-day Seminar on Safeguarding Intangible Heritage for Sustainable Development
Organised byThe: Department of Museology
6-3-23 International seminar on recent trends in Buddhist Studies
23-2-23 National seminar on "Applied Mathematics in Science & Technology" at the Department of Applied Mathematics
23-2-23 BROCHURE --- National seminar on
contemporary issues
in disability – Interventions & research
organised by Department of Psychology
22-2-23 Semainar (Mass Spectrometry and its Applications) --- Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
18-2-23 National seminar on
contemporary issues
in disability – Interventions & research
organised by Department of Psychology
11-2-23 Two Day National Level Conference
Education Policy: Development, Analysis and Impact
Organized by:
Department of Education
6-2-23 Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Lecture 2023
29-1-23 National Seminar (RAMA-2023) --- Department of Pure Mathematics