Academic University of Calcutta


Year of Establishment : 1917

History of the department : The teachers of the Department of Ancient Indian History and Culture of the University of Calcutta regularly contribute their valuable research articles to national and international journals and edited books. Some of the faculty members regularly participate in national and international seminars. Most of the teachers of the Department are also engaged in different research projects. Some of our faculty members are involved in a research project with Glasgow University on “Land holding, the Recording of Property Transfer and the Formation of Kingdoms: the Comparative Experience of Medieval Scotland and Early Medieval Bengal” and also on “Buddhist Rebirth Narratives in Literary and Visual Cultures of Gandhara” funded by the Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies through the American Council of Learned Societies. The Department regularly organizes monthly lectures, special lectures, national and international seminars and of course students’ seminar on different aspects of early Indian history. Some students of the Department participate in certificate courses relating to Indian Numismatics and Indian Architecture. The students of the Department are also taken to visit museums, archaeological sites and monuments. They also participate in field excavations. The Department is also building a library of study materials for the students. Special Lectures have been given by Dr. Federico de Romanis, Dr.Caterina Guenzi, Dr. Annette Schmiedehen. The Department has also organized national and international seminars with outstanding participants like Dr. Gouriswar Bhattacharya, Dr. Janson Neeles, Prof. B. D. Chattopadhyaya, Prof. G. Subbaih, Prof. Ranabir Chakravarti, Prof. Kum Kum Roy, Prof. Tanveer Nasreen, Prof. S. Setter, Prof. Y. Subbarayalu,and Dr. Manjiri Bhalerao etc, from both home and abroad.


Faculty Members :
Name Designation Area of specialisation Email
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay
Professor Art, Iconography, Architecture, Archaeology
Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar
Professor Epigraphy and Numismatics
Dr. Swati Ray
Associate Professor Fine Arts
Dr. Sayantani Pal
Associate Professor Epigraphy and Numismatics
Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury
Associate Professor & Head History of Religion in Ancient and Early Medieval India, Heritage and Museum Studies
Dr. Tapan Kumar Das
Assistant Professor Art and Archaeology
Sm. Preeta Bhattacharyya
Assistant Professor Buddhist Narratives and Religious Culture

Courses :

Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
M.A Post Graduate Honours 120
M. Phil     15
Ph. D     15


Research scholars :
Sl. No. Name Research Topic Name of the Supervisor Date of Registration
1. Amiya Koley Hooghly Jelar Itihas O Sanskriti (Khristiya Pratham Satak-Khristriya Dvadas Satak Paryanta)
[History and Culture of Hooghly District (1st Century CE to 12th Century CE)]
Dr. Tapan Kumar Das  16.12.2015
2. Amrita Chakraborty Dikpalas In Eastern India: An Iconographic Study Dr. Sudipa Ray
3. Animesh Raptan Dakshin-Purva Banglar Prachin Laukik Samskritite Melar Utsya Sandhan O Artha-Samajik Tatparya
[The Origin of Fairs and their Socio-Economic Significance in the Folk Culture of South-Eastern Bengal]  
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri  27.08.2013
4. Antara Ghosal Women In Early Bengal (4th To 13th Century) Dr. Sayantani Pal 03.03.2015
5. Avijit Denray Paschim Banger Anchalik Itihas o Loksanskriti Charchay Puratattik Tarapada Santrar Abadan – Ekti Samiksha
[A Study of the Regional History and Folk Culture of West Bengal by Antiquarian Tarapada Santra – An Analysis]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 27.08.2013
6. Ayan Banerjee Religious Context of Medicine: Exploring the Brahmanical Perspective (Pre 700 CE) Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 16.12.2015
7. Bablu Naskar Sundarban: Lokayata O Lokasanskriti Anweshan
[Sundarban:In Search of Lokayata and Folk Culture]
Dr Subid Chattopadhyay 28.02.2012
8. Bhaskar Roy Comparative Study of Religion and Religious Establishments of Kamata-Koach Behar and Kamarupa Dr. Subid Chattopadhyay 30.05.2012
9. Brijesh Kumar Singh Understanding the Social Context of Image Inscriptions: Records of Pilgrims and Travelers of Early South Bihar Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 27.08.2013
10. Buddhishwar Mondal Adi Madhyayugia Nimnabanger Samajjiban
[Social Life of Lower Bengal in Early Medieval Period]
Dr. Krishnendu Ray 16.12.2015
11. Chandana Bhattacharya Itihaser Prekshapate Uttar 24 Parganar Sanskriti
[The Culture of North 24 Parganas: A Historical Perspective]
Dr. Subid Chattopadhyay 21.09.2011
12. Chandrima Das   Analytical Study of Matangalila and Hastyayurveda in the Light of Available Epigraphic Data on Elephants in Early India Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 03.05.2012
13. Chitarlekha Hazra Social and Cultural Life in Religious Complexes in Bengal and Bihar: 600 CE - 1300 CE Dr. Suchandra Ghosh 18.08.2011
14. Debarati Ganguly The Search for Greater India Nationalist and Cultural Visions Dr. Suchandra Ghosh 22.04.2013
15. Durga Sankar Koley Varna-Jati and The Making of Society of Early Bengal Dr. Sayantani Pal 03.03.2015
16. Gargi Bose The Ganasamghas of Early India (6th Century B.C.E. to 4th Century C.E.) Dr. Syantani Pal 28.02.2012
17. Jayanta Basu The History & Culture of Sikkim Region Dr. Subid Chattopadhyay 30.04.2014
18. Kuntak Chatterjee Temples in History: A Socio-Economic Study of Western Madhya Pradesh (c. 4th to 10th Century C.E.) Dr. Suchandra Ghosh  
19. Kuntala Mondal Srijanshil SanskritaSahitya Linga Baishamyer Pratifalan-Prasanga-Bharatiya Natyasahitya (Adiparva: 300 Khristabda Theke 600 Khristabda)
[A Reflection of Gender Difference in Creative Sanskrit Literature – in the context of Bharata’s Natyasastra (Early Phase:300-600 CE)]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 16.12.2015
20. Nayana Sharma A Medico-Social Analysis of the two Medical Texts the Caraka Samhita and the Susruta Samhita Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 16.07.2009 (Dissertation
submitted on 12.5.2015)
21. Noor Bano Sattar Inscribed Images of Bengal and Bihar: An Analytical Study (circa 7th Century A. D. to circa 13th Century A.D.) Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded in 2014
22. Nupur Dutta The Artisan and His Craft: An Early Indian Perspective (6th Century B.C. to 3rd Century A.D.) Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 28.02.2012
23. Paramita Basu Administrative Issues and Resource Base of Kalachuri Temples and Allied Institutions (Exclusively from Epigraphic Records)  Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 25.03.2014
24. Prosanta Saha Social Context of the Revanta Cult in Medieval India: A Comparative Analysis between Western and Eastern India Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury 16.12.2015
25. Rajasri Mukhopadhyay Khiching Sculpture - A Study in Iconography and Style Dr. Asok K. Bhattacharya 24.05.2010
submitted on 25.5.2015  )
26. Rajesh Biswas In The Pursuit of Leisure-Sports and Recreation In Early India Till 550 A.D. Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 16.12.2015
27. Ratnabali Ray Art Activities in Tripura: A Study in Iconography, Style and Historical Context Dr. Suchandra Ghosh 09.01.2013
28. Rohini Kar Religious Development in Early Medieval Bengal and Adjacent Areas: A Study of The Brahmavaivarta and the Brhaddharma Puranas Dr. Madhuparna
29. Rumana Sarkar Mathematics in Early Indian Society-A Study in its Dimensions (till 600AD) Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 24.08.2012
30. Sabarni Pramanik Economy and Society of the Early Andhra Region from Epigraphic Evidence (From the 6th to the 10th Century) Dr. Suchandra Ghosh   Awarded in 2014
31. Sanchari Bhattacharyya Situating the Devadasis in Early Medieval Indian Gender History Dr. Rita Chaudhuri 03.05.2012
32. Saptarshi Chakraborty Representation of water Bodies in the Inscriptions and the Archaeological Remains of Orissa (c. 500-1300 CE): Ecological and Socio-Economic Perspective Dr. Suchandra Ghosh 16.12.2015
33. Shreyashi Chaudhuri The Representation of Nature In Early Indian Narrative Art of Bharhut (c.2nd to 1st Century BCE) Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay &
Dr Swati Bhattacharya
34. Sipra Haldar Puratattver Aloy Dakshin Chabbish Parganar Sanskritik Itihas [Cultural History of South 24 Parganas (District of West Bengal) in the Light of Archaeological Evidences] Dr.Subid Chattopadhyay 18.04.2012
35. Smita Halder Exploring Early Historic Deccan for Understanding the Rise of the Satavahanas Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar 03.05.2012
36. Soumya Porel The Forest People in Early India: Gleanings from Epigraphs and Texts (c. 4th Century B.C.E. to 10th Century C.E.) Dr. Suchandra Ghosh 16.12.2015
37. Srabani Dutta Roman Trade with the Eastern Seaboard of India Dr Bratindranatha Mukhopadhyay &
Dr Suchandra Ghosh (Associate Supervisor)
Awarded in 2008
38. Sreyashi  Ray Chowdhuri A Case Study of Amaravati Art in the Context of Andhra Archaeology Dr. Swati Ray 15.01.2013
39. Srijit Kumar Mondal Sundarban: Prakritik Sampader Utsva Sandhan
[Sundarban: In Search of the Origin of Natural Assets]
Dr. Subid Chattopadhyay 28.02.2012
40. Sumana Basu Religion and Religiosity: The Theory and Practice of the Dharma Cult of West Bengal and Orissa Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury 28.02.2012
41. Sutapa Basu Nataraja in Bengal Art: A Study in Iconography and Art Style Dr. Swati Ray 22.05.2014
42. Tithi Chakrabarti Social Themes in the Terracotta Plaques of Medieval Bengal Temples Dr. Asok K. Bhattacharya &
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay
(Associate Supervisor)
Awarded on 15.10.2014
M. Phil. Session: 2009 – 2011
1. Rohini Kar Images of Goddesses Candi and Manasa in Bengali Popular Literature – The Mangalkavyas Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury Awarded
2. Arnab Bhowmick Trade in the Bay of Bengal in the Light of  Zhao-Ru-Gua’s Zu-Tan Zhi  Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
3. Riajul Midde Reconstructing Social Life from the Inscription of Early Medieval Bengal (c.11th to 13th century CE) Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
4. Rajesh Biswas Adhyapak Hemchandra Roychowdhary r Padachinha Anusarone Prachin Bharatbarser Itihas Darsan
[Viewing Ancient Indian History in the Footsteps of Professor Hemchandra Roychowdhuri]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
5. Soumya Porel Perception of Forest and Forest People in Early Central India: From Text and Epigraphy (c.5th century A.D. to 7th century A.D. Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
6. Kuntala Mondal Bharatia Sanskritir Adiparve Brikkha Upasanar Dharonar Udbhob O  Bibartaner Bibhinna Parjay
[The Origin and Concept of Tree Worship and Different Phases of its Evolution in the Early Phase of Indian Culture]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
7. Jayeeta   Sengupta Prachin Bharatia Itihase Manabibidya Sankranto Gabeshanay Gonika Britti
[The Profession of Ganikasin Ancient Indian History relating to Researches in the Field of Women Studies]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
8. Sutapa Jana Bharat Itihaser Adiparve (Khrishtapurva Shoshtha Shatabdi Porjonto) Arajtantrik Rashtro Byabostha - Ekti Samiksha
[Non-Monarchical States in Ancient India (till 6th Century BCE) --- An Analysis]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
9. Maumita Gayen Bhuvaneshvarer Mandir O Mandirgatrer Bhashkarya: Akadas o Dvadash Shatabdi
[Temples and Temple Sculptures of Bhuvaneswar: 11th-12 Century CE]
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded
10. Simki Thakur In Search of a Space Outside Domesticity – the Bhikkhuni Samgha and Revelations in the Therigatha Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
11. Antara Ghosal The Changing Status of the Donors of the Land Grants of Early Bengal (c.400-1000 C.E) Dr. Sayantani Pal Awarded
M. Phil. Session: 2010-2012
11. Malyaban Chattopadhyay A Study of Mind and Mentality of the Theatre Workers of Ancient India Towards Theatre Communication and Performance Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury Awarded
12. Amrita Chakraborty The Cult of Narasimha   Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded
M. Phil. Session: 2011-2013
13. Anindita Bhowmick Samaj Darpone Mrichchhakatik (Bishsesh Prosongo Natoker Nari Choritro)
[‘Mrichchhakatik’as a Mirror of Society (with special reference to Women Characters)]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
14. Nandita Dhara Sahitye O Shilpe Apsara
[Apsara in Literature and Art]
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded
15. Rituparna Chattopadhyay Rajim: Rajivlochana Temple and Making of a Tirtha Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar Awarded
16. Srilata Sinha Shashoker Namankito Murtilekhor Bhittite Bangla O Biharer Murtidaner Prokriti Sankranto  Ekti Gabeshana
( khri: Ashtom Shatak theke Trayodash Shatak)
A Study on the Nature of the Donation of Images in Bengal and Bihar on the Basis of Image Inscriptions Bearing the Name of Rulers (c. 8th-12th  Century CE)]
Dr. Sayantani Pal Awarded
17. Anusree Mondal Andhradeshe Ikshvaku RajShokti O Bouddho DharmeRuprekha (Khrishtiyo Tritiyo Shatabdi )
[The Ikshvakus of Andhra and the Condition of Buddhism (circa 3rd Century CE)]
Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury Awarded
18. Prosenjit Biswas Yamuna Nadi Theke Devi: Ek Rupantar
[The Yamuna: Transformation from River to Goddess]
Dr. Tapan Kumar Das Awarded
19. Shibaji Roy Rarher Samajik O Arthanaitik Itihaser Punargathan (1200 khri: pu-1200 khri:)
[A Reconstruction of the Social and Economic History of Ancient Radha 1200BCE to 1200 CE]
Dr. Swati Ray Awarded
20. Dev Kumar Jhanjh The Abhiras Understanding Their History Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
21. Priyankara Chakraborty Aspects of the Society of Early Medieval Bengal Gleanings from the Aryasaptasati of Govardhanacarya and Other Texts (c. CE 9th -10th  to13th  Centuries) Dr Krishnendu Ray Awarded
M. Phil. Session: 2012-2014
22. Bhabesh Mondal Charjagitir Aloke Adi Madhya Jugiya Banglar Samajchitra Khristio Dasam Theke Dvadas Satak
[Society in Early Medieval Bengal in the Light of Charya Songs: c. 10th Century CE to 12th Century CE]
Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
23. Susmita Manna Murtitatter Nirikhe Brahma
[Brahma in the Light of  Iconography]
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded
24. Sandip Pan Coins of Early Historic Bengal Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar Awarded
25. Gourav Debnath Mahisasurmardini In Search of Her Sculptural Identity Dr. Swati Ray Awarded
26. Sukamal Patra Karnasuvarna: Ekti Bismrita Nagari
[Karnasuvarna: A Forgotten Metropolis]
Dr.Tapan Kumar Das Awarded
27. Provat Naskar Prachin Banglar Samudra Banijya: Tamralipti , Chandraketugarh O Gange Bandor  (Ekti Aartho Samajik O Dhormiyo Mulyayan
[Sea Trade in Ancient Bengal: Tamralipti, Chandraketugarh and Gange Port – A Socio-Economic and  Religious Evaluation]
Dr. Tapan Kumar Das Awarded
28. Arpita Ghosh Chamba Upotyakar Dharmiya Sanskriti (Khrishtiyo Saptam theke Dvadas Satabbi)
[Religious Culture of Chamba Valley (c. 7th -12th Century CE)]
Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury Awarded
29. Alolika Bhattacharjee Prachin Bharater Jibbaichitra O Tar Samrakshan (Khrishtapurva Chaturtha Theke Shashtha Shatak
[Biodiversity and Its Conservation in Early India (4th Century BCE to 6th Century CE)]
Dr. Krishnendu Ray Awarded
30. Rimjhim Das Bharat Itihaser Adiparve Prantobasinira – Ekti Samiksha
[Marginalized Women in Early Indian History  - An Analysis]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
M. Phil. Session: 2013-2015
31. Sanjukta De Ananta Vasudeva Mandir (Khrishtiya Trayadash Shatak): Ekti Aitihasik O Pratnatattvik Pratibedan
[Ananta Vasudeva Temple (13th Century CE): A Historical and Archaeological Study]
Dr. Swati Ray Awarded
32. Dolika Halder Itihas Likhaner Dharay Aadi Madhyajugiya Dakshin Bharatiya Rashtrer Charitrayan – Ekti Samikshan
[The Nature of Early Medieval South Indian State – Trends in Historiography]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
33. Maloy Das Adi Madhyajugiya Udishyay Shashonkari Teen Kshudra Rajashakti O Tader Dharmiya Itihas: Ekti Lekhatattvik Gabeshana
[Tracing the Religious History in Three Minor Ruling Powers in Early Medieval Orissa: An Epigraphic Study]
Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury Awarded
34. Balaram Mondal Sundarbaner Itihaser Anusandhane
(Dasham ThekeTrayadash Shatak )
[In Search of the History of the Sundarbans (10th -13th Century)]
Dr. Sayantani Pal Awarded
35. Debasish Das Nibbaner Sandhane: Thera Ebang Therigathar Ekti Tulonamulak Byakshya
[In Search of Nibbana: A
Comparative Analysis of the Thera  and Therigatha]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
36. Sourav Das Jibaanchariter Itikatha: Prasanga Sandhakar Nandir Ramacharita
[The Antiquity of BiographicalWritings --- With Special Reference to Sandhyakara Nandi’s Ramacarita]
Dr. Rita Chaudhuri Awarded
37. Biswajit Mondal Aakhyaner Samajikata:
Panchtantrer Niti, Nitiheenata O Aantasamparker Binyas
[Social Context of a Narrative: Morality, Immorality and the Complex Web of Relationships in the Pancatantra]
Sm. Preeta Bhattacharya Awarded
38. Rahul Nag Aadi Madhyayuger Mandir Sthapatya: Purulia Zelar Uttar-Purbansha
[Early Medieval Temple Architecture of North-Eastern Portion of Purulia District (West Bengal)]
Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay Awarded
39. Diapankar Roy Prachin Bharater Bijnansammato Itihas Charchar Anusandhan: Lekhacharcha O Byaktitva (1834-1934 Khrishtabda)
[In Search of Scientific Historical Research in Early India: Epigraphy and Scholars (1834-1934)]
Dr. Suchandra Ghosh Awarded
40. Sujit Das Kumariparvata: A Jain Pilgrimage Centre Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar Awarded
M. Phil. Session: 2014-2016 [Third Semester]
41. Tanmay Roy Yet to be decided Dr. Swati Ray  
42. Utpal Biswas Yet to be decided Dr.Tapan Kumar Das  
43. Santanu Chakraborty Yet to be decided Dr Krishnendu Ray  
44. Sukrit Mukherjee Yet to be decided Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury  
45.   Dipak Majumder Yet to be decided Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay  
46. Bidhan Halder Yet to be decided Dr. Sayantani Pal  
47. Monalisa Mukherjee Yet to be decided Dr. Suchandra Ghosh  
48. Indrani Chatterjee Yet to be decided Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay  
49. Laboni Das Yet to be decided Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury  
50. Sukla Das Yet to be decided Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar  
51. Riya Champati Yet to be decided Dr. Sayantani Pal  
52. Soumita Mallick Yet to be decided Dr. Suchandra Ghosh  
M. Phil. Session: 2015-2017 [First Semester]
53. Tanmoy Ray   Dr Suchandra Ghosh  
54. Nibedita Mondal   Dr. Swati Ray  
55.  Debalina Das   Dr. Rita Chaudhuri &
Ms Preeta Bhattacharya
56. Rajatabha Ray   Dr. Rita Chaudhuri  
57. Sayan Debnath   Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury  
58. Samir Maiti   Dr. Madhuparna Roychowdhury  
59. Debashis Bhunia   Dr.Tapan Kumar Das  
60. Santu Bar   Dr. Sayantani Pal  
61. Biplab Bhakta   Dr.Tapan Kumar Das  
62. Durbar Sharma   Dr. Suchandra Ghosh  
63. Soumya Ghosh   Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar  
64. Shawttiki Ojha   Dr. Sudipa Ray Bandyopadhyay  
65. Abhick Sarkar   Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar  
66. Paulami Sinha   Dr Krishnendu Ray  
67. Madhumita Rana   Ms Preeta Bhattacharyya  
Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department :
  • Holding national and international seminars, Special Lectures, students seminars, monthly lectures, workshop
  • Taking up a multi-disciplinary research programme on Heritage Studies, Centre for Epigraphic and Numismatic Studies and Centre for Tribal Studies, Organizing National and International Seminars, Collaboration with other organizations and taking up research projects and building a library of study materials for students
Major activities :
  • The students of the Department attend short term certificate courses generally relating to Indian Numismatics and Indian Architecture; organize cultural programmes with the help of teachers; raise funds for organizations like CRY.
  • Along with teachers of the Department they also participate in field excavations.
  • Special Lectures given by Dr. Federico de Romanis (2010), Dr.Caterina Guenzi (2011), Dr. Annette Schmiedehen (2012). Monthly Seminar and Students Seminar, in the Department

Additional information : The Department intends to take up a DRS Programme as well as organise a Summer School


Campus : Alipore Campus

Address for communication : 1, Reformatory Street, Alipore, Kolkata - 700027