Academic Departments University of Calcutta


Year of Establishment : 1975, fucntional-1976

History of the department : The Department of Sociology at University of Calcutta was set-up in 1975 and functional in 1976 and currently running M.A., M.Phil. & Ph.D coursework. It will complete forty eight years in 2024.  With semester system of teaching and examination the department offers a 1000 marks Master degree having compulsory components of Fieldwork and Term paper writing and a choice from various optional papers.

Incidentally, Sociology was being taught as a subsidiary in M.A. Economics since 1909 and also as a special paper in Political Science. It was in 1975 that the University Grants Commission approved the Department of Sociology at the University of Calcutta with Bela Dutta Gupta, then Reader in the Department of Political Science, as Head of Sociology. Subsequently, Prof. Bela Dutta Gupta, a nationally acclaimed Sociologist became Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Chair Professor at Calcutta and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement by Indian Sociological Society in October 2009.

Other faculties were Professor Debkumar Banerjee, Prof. Swapan Kr. Bhattacharyya, Prof. Swapan Kr. Pramanik, Prof. Bholanath Banerjee, Dr. Krishna Chakraborty, Prof. Bula Bhadra, Prof. Basabi Sur and Prof. Gayatri Bhattacharyya all of whom have retired.

Departmental faculties are in regular interface with larger society in new sub areas like Sociology of Ageing, Sociology of Media and Culture etc. The faculties of this Department regularly contribute in generating academic knowledge and its application through interventions with other organizations in the new areas as mentioned in their capacity as experts and advisors to different local and national bodies.

At present, the Department has four full time teachers and ten guest teachers.

  • Dr. Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
    • An Alumnus, Professor.
  • Dr. Mallarika Sarkar (Das)
    • An Assistant Professor.
  • Dr. Susmita Bhattacharyya
    • An Alumnus, Assistant  Professor
  • Dr. Clare Lizamit Samling
    • An Assistant Professor.

There were four UPE-UGC major collaborative projects with Applied Psychology, Linguistics, History and Library & Information Science departments under UPE-1, an interdisciplinary ICSSR Major with the departments of Economics and Business Management, an interdisciplinary UPE-II, UGC-Major Research Project- 2019 Major with the departments of Economics, Business Management and Commerce and A Comparative Study among Tribes of North East and Central India - Asiatic Society Research Project-2019 with the department of Home Science, CU. Status of girl child education in Kalimpong District, West Bengal under the ICSSR sponsored short –term empirical research project ( Collaborative) is the ongoing project of the Department (2023 -2024).

Most faculty members of the Department contribute to different non-governmental organizations and to both print and electronic media as experts very often. Most faculty members are involved in outreach activities.

The Department has already produced a number of students who are and were employed in different national and international Institutes of repute.
Name Institution
Prof. Biswajit Ghosh  Burdwan University
Prof Ranu Jain TISS Mumbai
Prof. S.A.H. Moinuddin Vidyasagar University
Prof. Shuita Chopra Chatterjee  IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Anirban Banerjee Burdwan University
Prof. Ramanuj Ganguly West Bengal State University
Dr. Ritu Sen Chaudhuri West Bengal State University
Dr. Piyali Sur Jadavpur University
Dr. Nabamita Das Presidency University
Dr. Arpita Mitra KISS Law- Bhubaneswar
Dr. Anindya Bhattacharyya Gourbanga University
Dr. Sudarsana Sen Gourbanga University
Mr. Subhasis Banerjee BE College-IIEST Sibpur
Dr. Ananda Mohon Kar Burdwan University
Dr. Pujasree Chatterjee Vidyasagar  University
Dr. Srabanti Chaudhuri Netaji Open University
Ms. Sreyosi Ray Heritage Institute of Management Studies
  • Annually held Prof. BelaDutt Gupta Memorial Lecture
    • 1stSelective Appropriation of Gender Ideology: The Mahila  Aghadi of the Farmers’ Movement in Maharastra, 1996-2004” - by Prof. D.N. Dhanagare, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla
    • 2ndGender Representation in Higher Education: Going Beyond Numbers” , by Prof. Karuna Chanana (Rtd), Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
    • 3rd “Revisiting Indian Sociology in 21st Century”, was delivered by Prof. K.L. Sharma (Retd), Pro-Chancellor, Jaipur National University, on 27th March 2017
    • 4th ‘’Sociology of, in and for India: Thematics of a Discourse’’ was delivered by  Professor Narayana Jayaram, Former Professor Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai on 30th January, 2019
    • 5th “Environment and Sustainable Development: Indian Context”, was delivered by Prof. Manish Kr. Verma, Babasahib Ambedkar University, Lucknow, on 27th March, 2024.
    • 6th “The Past in the Present: Culture and the Conundrum of Tradition and Modernity in Indian Sociology”, was delivered by Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhuri, President Indian Sociological Society and Former Professor of Sociology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, on 16th May, 2024
    • 7th “ Doing Disciplinary History: Challenges of Preserving the Heritage of Sociology in Universities”, was delivered by Prof. R. Indira, Former Professor of Sociology, University of Mysore, on 9th July, 2024


Faculty Members :
Name Designation Area of specialization Email/Phone number
Dr. Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
Professor Research Methodology, Sociological theory
[email protected]
Dr. Susmita Bhattacharyya
Assistant professor Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Media , Sociology of Industry [email protected]
Dr. Mallarika Sarkar (Das)
Assistant professor & Head Social Gerontology, Urban Sociology , Sociology of Development [email protected]
Ms. Clare Lizamit Samling
Assistant professors Environmental Sociology, Rural Sociology , Urban Sociology [email protected]
Visiting faculty members :
Name Institutions attached with Period of appointment
Prof.  Bula Bhadra INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, JOKA, 2006 (August-October)
Dr. Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee Department of Sociology
Vidyasagar University
Visiting Fellow
March 2012- 2013

Courses :

Programme Eligibility Intake capacity
P.G. in Sociology B.A. in Sociology 65
Ph.D Course work    As per vacancy


Research scholars :

A list of scholars pursuing research in the department

Name Research topic Name of the supervisor
Moumita Ghosh Lone Motherhood in India: Apprehension and Challenges Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
UjjalHaldar Female Domestic Workers in Kolkata: A Study on Commuters from Sundarban
NehaDasgupta A Study of Street Food Vendors as Entrepreneurs in the Commercial Hubs of Kolkata.
ChaitaliSinha Perception and Preference for Marriage and Selection of Partners among Young Adults in Kolkata’
Zeno Lepcha Food Culture and Identity: A Sociological Study on the Lepchas of Kalimpong district.
Sritama Choudhury Food Delivery Apps: A profile in emerging food consumption in double income families of Kolkata Mallarika Sarkar
Esmotara Khatun Emerging Marriage Rites And Rituals Among Muslim Community: A Study Of Malda And Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India
Namrata Bassu The Social Fabric Of Change Among Dual Career Couples In Urban Kolkata: A Sociological Investigation Susmita Bhattacharyya
Amrita Gupta Satyajit Ray’s film’s: Understanding the Portrayal of relationship
Promita Roy Leisure Trends in Kolkata: Changes and Development
Nagma Begum Muslim Women Professionals in Kolkata: A Study of  Opportunities, Issues and Challenges
Soumen Das Redefining Intimacy: A Sociological Study on Changing Perception of Romantic Love among Young Adults in Kolkata Bula Bhadra
Deepika Singh Networked Individual and Networked Family in India:A Sociological Exploration of Youth of Kolkata
Shinjini Ray M.N. Srinivas’s contributions To Indian Sociology: The Early Writings Gayatri Bhattacharyya
Sohini Kundu Women tea plantation workers in a tea garden in north Bengal: an sociological study
Arundhati Ghosh Dastidar School as a Social System
Rinki Kamat The pattern and characteristics of migration among the slum dwellers of Kolkata: A Sociological Study of the slums in the Kolkata Municipal corporation area Independent
Project :
Project title Funding agency Principal investigator Duration
Social, Economic and Political Empowerment of Women: The Role   of Microfinance Interventions in Diverse Cultures ICSSR Major Project; Co-Director
Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
Sustainable Economic, Social and Political Empowerment of Women through Small   and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):  Strategic Learning from South & South East Asia.  UGC-UPE-II, Project Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
Reproductive Health Behaviour of Women: A Comparative Study among Tribes of North East and Central India Asiatic Society, India Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
Co- Investigator
Contemporary linkages of Tagore’s Chitrangada, Binodini and Srimati- Saga of Different Women UGC-minor Susmita Bhattacharyya-PI 2017
Status of Girl Child Education in Kalimpong District, West Bengal ICSSR short term Project Susmita Bhattacharyya, Clare Lizamit Samling and  Sudeshna Basu Mukherjee
Co- Investigator
Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department/ centre :



Currently Interdisciplinary researches are undertaken :  

  • Sociology of Ageing, Gender, Culture and Empowerment, Economy, Social Movement, Sociology and Literature.
  • Changing spheres of life in the context of rise of an information and networked society, families and individuals and the weaker sections.
  • Sociology of education, sports, gendered realm of medical and legal professions,
  • Sociology and fashion in everyday social life, contemporary youth friendship.
  • Technology-Society Interface and its Challenges and Prospects,
  • Gender, Empowerment and Diaspora in the Rural community

Teaching support :  

  • e- learning is encouraged and resources are provided for better reference
Research support :
Name of the equipment Brief description Funding agency
LCD Projectors Class room teaching UNIVERSITY
Internet For research scholars and students UNIVERSITY

Major activities : 

  • Students were placed in Webcon Consulting India limited: 2016
  • Students were placed in Irvine Infocom Private Limited: 2017- As content analysts

International and National Lectures :  

  1. Why do the Nation States of Europe Need Protection in Legislation? The example of Swedish language policy and legislation since 2000; Sally Boyd Professor of General Linguistics Dept of Philosophy, Linguistics & Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg , Sweden, 8th December 2010. Funded By CU.
  2. “Female Body Image: Traditions, Social Construction and Commodification in the Global Marriage market’ Dr. Aditi Mitra of Colorado University, 11th of January 2011. Funded by CU.
  3. 'Health, Environment and Gender Intersections’ Prof. Laura Corradi, University of Calabria, South- Italy, February 28, 2011; Funded by CU – BI
  4. Collapse of Aryan Invasion/Immigration Theory and the Establishment of Indigenism; Prof. Nicholas Kazanas; Director, IMILOS Meleton Cultural Institute, Greece, 2011 Funded by CU.
  5. Human Rights from a Sociological Perspective; Prof. Bandana Purkayastha, University of Connecticut; 24 April 2012. Funded by Department.
  6. Reinterpreting Vivekananda; By Prof. Tapan Raychaudhuri; on the occasion of 150 years of Swamiji; 6th March 2013.
  7. Indian Calendar Art: origins and Recent Developments; Prof. Bradley Hartel, Virginia Tech University; 26th March 2013. Funded by CU.
  8. “ Imagining the racial other during the British colonial period” By Dr. Ashok Malhotra, British Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Collaborative Research in the Humanities, Queens University, Belfast, 3rd September 2015. Funded by CU – BI
  9. 'Re-imagining Indian Sociology. Challenges confronting the Discipline'.Prof. Sujata Patel Hyderabad Central University and First Women President of the Indian Sociological Society, 22nd January, 2016 Funded by CU – BI
  10. Variations in Portrayal of Durga on Bengali Greetings Card Traditional-Modern-Contemporary and Calendars; Prof. Bradely Hartel; Tech University; 2017; Funded by CU – BI.
  11. Immigrants and the USA-Moving the Clock Back, Shalini Choudhury,  Faculty, Arkansas University USA., 6th August 2018.
  12. Black women incarceration and critical black feminism in context of the USA., Farzana Khandaker Rahman, Associate Professor, Department of Criminology at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , 3rd May, 2024.

National and International Seminars :  

  1. University of Calcutta,ICSSR and UNDP sponsored Post-Centenary Golden Jubilee International seminar on “Globalization: Potentialities and Predicaments” January 2007.
  2. Workshop on HIV/Aids was conducted by West Bengal State Aids Prevention & Control Society and Trustee AMITIE TRUST, Half-Day Workshop, April 7, 2011.
  3. International Seminar on Childhood and Ageing: Contemporary Scenario”,  Sponsored by I C S S R, New Delhi, University of Calcutta and Save The Children, BalRaksha, Bharat, Participation by  luminaries from Australia, Prof. Michael Fine, University of Macquarie,  an eminent scholar in the field of Aged Care and internationally acclaimed scholars from in and around India. 3rd-4th February 2011,
  4. Locating Social, Political and Gender Issues in the Works of Rabindranath Tagore   26th of September 2011.
  5. In the INTERNATIONAL YOUTH, year (2010-2011) ORGANIZED; “Meeting Youth Needs in the 21st Century CANADA and INDIA: Youth work, Young people and Youth policy.” Sponsored by Shastri-Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi & University of Calcutta, 28th & 29th November 2011.
  6. Louis Dumont: A Tribute, National Seminar, Funded by CU – BI , 28 March 2012

Additional information :  

  • Departmental faculties are in regular interface with larger society and regularly contribute in generating academic knowledge and its application through interventions with other organizations in the new areas as mentioned in their capacity as experts and advisors to different local and national bodies.
  • Faculty is members of P.G. Board of studies of West Bengal State University, CMIG Kolkata and RAC of other state universities.
  • Faculty is members of ETHICAL COMMITTEE of Indian Institute of Health and Hygiene and Fortis health care Limited.


Campus : Alipore (Shahid Kshudiram Siksha Prangan)

Address for communication : Department of Sociology, 1 Reformatory Street, Alipur, Kolkata 700027