Academic Departments University of Calcutta


Year of Establishment : 1907

History of the department : Founded in 1907, the Department of English, one of the oldest operating departments of all the modern universities in Asia, has retained its eminence for 110 years. The objective of the department is not only to make students think differently, but also to groom them in the way that enables them to connect the classroom with the outer world, the knowledge of literature with real life.

During the Vice-Chancellorship of Sir Asutosh Mookerjee (1906-14) classes in the Post Graduate level started in the Department. In 1944-45 a Chair was instituted in the name of Sir Gooroodas Bannerjee, the University’s first Vice-Chancellor of Indian origin. The first Professor to adorn the Chair was Professor Mohini Mohan Bhattacharya. In 1979 in Professor Bhattacharya’s memory a biannual Lectureship was instituted, which is delivered by an invited distinguished person. During the Headship of Professor Sisir Kumar Das, the M.Phil Programme was started in the late 1980s (effective from 1990). Among luminaries who have taught here in the course of history are: H.M.Percival, Heramba Chandra Moitra, Prafulla Chandra Ghosh, Henry Stephen, Mohini Mohan Bhattacharya, Tarak Nath Sen, R.K. Dasgupta, Humphry House, Sisir Kumar Das, A.G. Stock, Jyoti Bhattacharya and many others. The Department has from time to time played host to several celebrated educationists, authors and cultural personalities as visiting faculty and invited speakers, such as: Stephen Spender, J.M.G Le Clézio, André Beteille, Gayatri Chakravarti Spivak, Arindam Chakrabarti, Elleke Boehmer, Tapan Raychaudhuri, U.R. Ananthamoorthy, David Lean, Bill Ashcroft, Geraldine Forbes,  Mrinal Sen, Alka Saraogi and others..

The Department was a pioneer within the University in the field of starting an academic journal pertaining to the various areas of English literature and language. The Journal of the Department of English, which was previously known as the Bulletin of the Department of English, is published annually with contributions from well-known scholars from India and abroad.

The Department has incorporated newer areas of specialisation as per the needs and interests of the changing world. It concentrates on the students’ strong foundation in Classical Literature and also to make them conversant with the contemporary strands of literary styles and theories. The specialised courses offered by the Department include areas as diverse as American Literature and Indian Writing in English, Postcolonialism and Gender Studies, Modernism and Postmodernism and Language Studies, V. Woolf, T.S. Eliot, Harold Pinter and R.K. Narayan. The Department has a vibrant research programme.

The Department has never ceased to produce students, whose brilliance of merit is reflected not only by the consistent good results of the Department every year, but also from the fact that they have found their careers in various walks of life. It has produced authors, poets, philosophers, journalists, linguists, historians, academicians, administrative heads, cultural personalities and lawyers. The students are also enthusiastic about co-curricular activities and often arrange for cultural events. The success of the students and the Department is constituted on the basis of a healthy and productive teacher-student relationship.

Special award/ recognition from UGC or related statutory body : The Department has the UGC funded Special Assistance Programme (DRS) since 2002. Currently the DRS Programme is in SAP-III, Phase III (2013-2015).

Vision and Mission of the Department : The Department of English Language and Literature, University of Calcutta, follows a specific vision. Along with academic excellence, the Department believes in imparting to the learners a training that would enable them to become responsible, perceptive and functional citizens who will contribute to the well-being of their society and their nation. The present course is thus designed to nurture a critical and historical awareness that can only be attained through a thorough understanding of the texts and concepts included. The curriculum aims to create a balance between texts and textuality, socio-cultural and linguistic theory, language studies and profession-oriented training. It is created with an intention to equip the learners not only with ideas he/she needs to understand the key periods in the history of English Literature, but also the global events and concepts that influence and mould them. Literature and language are intricately intertwined; this course believes that a greater comprehension of language and its development will create a greater depth in perception and appreciation of literature, culture and human progress. Although the aim of this course is to make the learners ready for employment, it will also ensure that any learner who is trained through this course should have the skill to confidently engage in further research in varied disciplines such as literature, language, English Language Teaching (ELT), culture or political studies, to name a few. The newly implemented syllabus has the following mission:

  • to inculcate human values
  • to instil capacity to function with proper critical acumen in a world that creates new challenges everyday
  • to allow the learners to cope with professional demands
  • assist them in their progression to further research and to employment
  • to nurture parallel thinking in order to enable them to function in creative fields

Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum : The course is designed not only to allow access to texts and ideas with further contemporary flavours, but includes in it issues that challenge humanity. The newly introduced texts in particular addresses issued related to environment, mankind in the changing historical perspectives and a world that is quite new in its natural, social and political environment. Along with mission that maintains focus on creative expression and critical analysis that equip learners to adapt to professional worlds of teaching, journalism, management, advertising, cinema, television and fields such as photography and many such, the vision of the course is also to inculcate values that respond to the modern world without sacrificing tradition and a philosophy that teaches human values and respect for issues such as gender, sustainability and the national consciousness. The department, in its curricular and extra-curricular engagements, tries to introduce the learners to a larger arena of professional and principled living. Since the postgraduate course is the highest syllabus bound programme and as the students have already attained graduate degrees, they are challenged to rise to levels of excellence through complementary assessments that give them the opportunity to rise above mediocrity. The postgraduate course looks ahead not only to employability, but to capacity building so as to allow the learners prepare for research-oriented writing as well as to become skilled in human interaction.

Research Ethics : The University of Calcutta, being one of the oldest establishments in the country, has always followed strictest standards in its research programmes. The department follows the global rationale which may be presented through the following ten point configuration

  • Originality
  • Fairness
  • Value addition to knowledge base
  • Justice
  • Intellectual property rights awareness and protection
  • Integrity
  • Data protection
  • Strict monitoring in cases of conflict of interest
  • Ethical resource management
  • Socio-cultural value
The scholars are encouraged to be original and are strongly dealt with if unfairness of any sort is discovered. The Research Advisory Committees, with the help of the University provided similarity checking facility, assess and evaluate all research work with relentless quality control. All courses on methodology put firm emphasis on the issue of Research Ethics.

Catering to the needs of underperforming students : As in the case of all institutions and departments, the Department of English also comes across students who fail to perform at par with the standards set by the institution. The Department believes in putting emphasis on their care. This is done by mentoring and encouraging the students to identify and allow the teachers to identify weaknesses and thereafter take measures to remedy them. The structured system of remedial classes occasionally gets replaced by one-to-one interactions that are designed to generate an environment of academic confidence and sharing. Since not all learners can successfully identify their issues – which may be academic or psychological – the Department aims to engage the under-performing students in a dialogue that is beneficial to their career progression.

Best Practices of the Department :

  • The Department of English strives to create a continuous connection with the other Universities in the immediate vicinity by including faculty members from their allied departments in various Committees and Boards. Senior faculty members from Presidency University, University of Jadavpur, Rabindra Bharati University, West Bengal State University, Burdwan University and Visva Bharati University, are invited regularly for dialogues on policies and progressions.
  • Constant communication is maintained with affiliated colleges (undergraduate and postgraduate) in order to cater to the needs of the learners even in the remotest corners.
  • The faculty members of the department regularly deliver online and in-person extension lectures to other institutions in order to maintain an academic interaction.
  • The Department arranges special classroom lectures at regular intervals on a variety of topics. Experts in their fields such as the following have delivered special lectures in the department:
    • Prof. Himadri Lahiri (University of Burdwan)
    • Prof. Dipankar Purkayastha (University of Assam)
    • Prof. Sanjay Mukhopadhyay (University of Jadavpur)
    • Prof. Satyaki Pal (Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur)
    • Prof. Sobhanlal Dattagupta (University of Calcutta, Department of Political Science)
    • Dr. Amrit Sen (Visva Bharati University)
    • Dr. Trayee Sinha (Diamond Harbour Women’s University)
    • Dr. Arka Chattopadhyay (IIT, Gandhinagar)
    • Dr. Kiran Keshavamurthy (IIT, Guwahati)
    • Dr. Sharmistha Chatterjee (Aliah University)
    • Dr. Mrinmoy Pramanik (University of Calcutta, Department of Comparative Indian Language and Literature)
  • Inter-departmental extension lectures are regularly arranged.
  • The entire notification process has been digitised with students getting individual emails with all the relevant information included.
  • The students engage in regular cultural activities including Freshers’ Welcome and Farewell programmes for seniors.
  • Participation and organization of students’ seminars are highly encouraged.

Past Issues of the Departmental Journal available online


Faculty Members :
Name Designation Area of specialization Email
Dr Chinmoy Guha
Professor Emeritus (Honorary) European Literature, French Studies, Modernism [email protected]
Dr Siddhartha Biswas
Professor 20th Century Drama, American Literature [email protected]
Dr. Sandip Mondal
Professor Shakespeare, Film Studies, Drama [email protected]
Dr Rangana Banerji
Professor & HOD Nineteenth Century Studies,
Indian Writing in English
[email protected]
Dr Sinjini Bandyopadhyay
Associate Professor Modern and Post Modern Literature, Postcolonial Theory, Autobiography [email protected]
Sri Tanmay Ghosh
Associate Professor Phonetics and Phonology, Sociolinguistics, English Language Teaching, Indian English, Communicative English, Classroom Pedagogy, Linguistic Imperialism [email protected]
Roshni Subba
Assistant Professor Indian Writing in English,
Dalit Literature,
Crime and Detective Fiction
Dr Debapriya Paul
Assistant Professor Nineteenth and early twentieth century writings in English [email protected]
Visiting faculty members :
Name Institutions attached with Period of appointment
Dr. Mitali Gangopadhyay Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith 2014-
Dr. Amrita Sen HRDC, CU 2019-
Dr. Dhrubajyoti Sarkar Kalyani University 2019-

Courses :

Programme Level of study Eligibility Intake capacity
M.A. Postgraduate B.A. (Hons.) in English 274
Ph.D Research M.A. in English -


Research scholars :
Name Name of the supervisor Date of registration
Keka Das Sanjukta Dasgupta 16/11/2016
Pratima Banerjee Sanjukta Dasgupta 17/06/2013
Rumela Ghosh Sanjukta Dasgupta 26/02/2013
Swagata Chatterjee Sanjukta Dasgupta 21/07/2016
Piyali Das Tapati Gupta 01/06/2012
Debi Mukhopadhyay Tapati Gupta 30/12/2012
Sagnik Banerjee Sudeshna Chakravarti 27/10/2016
Sharanya Dutta Sudeshna Chakravarti 20/06/2016
Abhishek Rath Chinmoy Guha 08/04/2015
Firoze Basu Chinmoy Guha 27/08/2013
Jayati Ghosh Chinmoy Guha 11/04/2014
Pushpen Saha Chinmoy Guha 28/09/2021
Arcaprova Raychaudhuri Chinmoy Guha Enrolment – 13/12/2022
Pintu Naskar Chinmoy Guha Enrolment – 13/12/2022
Rhitabrata Chatterjee Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 04/03/2016
Suparna Bhattacharyya Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 05/06/2015
Anirban Guha Thakurta Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 18/03/2016
Indrajit Sarkar Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 08/04/2015
Sunandita Sarker Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 20/04/2013
Aditi Ghosh Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 24/09/2008
Kaustabh Bhattacharyya Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 05/06/2015
Paban Chakraborty Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 13/07/2013
Anindya Sen Sinjini Bandyopadhyay 18/03/2011
Rituparna Das Tanmay Ghosh 28/03/2012
Subrata Biswas Rangana Banerji 21/02/2019
Atabi Saha Rangana Banerji 20/04/2016
Debarati Roy Chowdhury Rangana Banerji 28/09/2011
Satyabrata Dinda Rangana Banerji 05/07/2013
Sudipta Mondal Rangana Banerji 06/08/2015
Anindita Mitra Rangana Banerji 16/11/2016
Debarati Maity Rangana Banerji 25/05/2015
Srabani Goswami Rangana Banerji (Joint) 27/08/2013
Siddhartha Sankar Chakraborti Sandip Mondal 22/05/2018
Ashish Biswas Sandip Mondal 13/06/2019
Ananya Sasaru Sandip Mondal 28/09/2021
Susri Bhattacharya Sandip Mondal 28/09/2021
Somdatta Halder Sandip Mondal 02/11/2018
Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay Sandip Mondal (Joint) 31/08/2012
Bistriti Parveen Sandip Mondal Enrolment – 13/12/2022
Indrani Chakraborty Siddhartha Biswas 02/11/2018
Laki Molla Siddhartha Biswas 21/02/2019
Adharshila Chatterjee Siddhartha Biswas 28/09/2021
Rajarshee Gupta Siddhartha Biswas 28/09/2021
Rhea Mitra Siddhartha Biswas 30/06/2018
Srimoyee Roy Siddhartha Biswas Enrolment – 13/12/2022
Rituparna Majumder Amrita Sen 28/09/2021
Jemima Nasrin Amrita Sen 28/09/2021
Suchetana Pal Amrita Sen 28/09/2021
Debashis Biswas Amrita Sen 28/09/2021
Roshni Subba Amrita Sen 26/10/2021
Sohini Roy Amrita Sen Enrolment – 13/12/2022
Completed Project
Project title Funding agency Principal investigators Duration Budget
DRS (SAP III), Phase III UGC Chinmoy Guha,
Sinjini Bandyopadhyay,
Santanu Majumdar,
Rangana Banerji
2013-2018 5.6 lakhs (p.a.)
Thrust areas in teaching and research of the academic department :

The Department is currently running the DRS-Phase III Research Programme, a UGC funded Special Assistance Programme. The thrust areas are :

  • Textbook Translation and Annotation
  • Story of the Stage: Bengal and Western
  • Film, Women and Home: A Study in Indian Cinema

Research support :

Name of the equipment Brief description Funding agency
Computer (4) as per recent asset audit is now Desktop Computer (3) & Laptop computers (3) Lenovo University of Calcutta , UGC
Microphone system (7)   University of Calcutta, UGC
Photocopier-cum-scanner-cum-printer Canon UGC
Printer-cum-scanner (3) HP UGC
Multimedia projector (2) SONY University of Calcutta, UGC
LED TV Samsung UGC
Major activities :
  1. The famous Bengali poet Srijato Bandyopadhyay visited the Department and delivered a Talk on 10 January 2018.
  2. One-day National Seminar on Negotiating Peace in the Study of Literature and Culture: Possibilities and Challenges was organized on 28 March 2018
  3. There was the three-day National Level DRS Seminar - Literature, Theatre and Cinema: Adaptations and Appropriations on 14-16 March 2018.
  4.  Two Day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “This Green Plot shall be Our Stage” Theatre in Classroom, Campus and Beyond on 06 and 07 March 2019.
  5. The Department organized a Winter School on ‘Defining Modernity’ from 31 December 2018 till 22 January 2019 with HRDC, University of Calcutta.
  6. On 26 August 2019, Prof. Robyn Andrews of Massey University, New Zealand delivered a lecture in the department in a programme jointly organized with the Department of Linguistics.
  7. Christine Jordis, eminent French writer and former director of English Fiction at Éditions Gallimard, spoke on the impact of Mahatma Gandhi and other issues at the Department on 12 May 2022.
  8. Prof. Fabien Chartier, Professor, Department of English and Intercultural Management at University of Rennes, France, visited the Department of English and gave a lecture on Rabindranath Tagore on 05 December 2022.
  9. Prof. Dipesh Chakraborty of University of Chicago was in conversation with Prof. Chinmoy Guha at the Chandramukhi Kadambini Sabhagriho on 18 December 2018
  10. The Department, with HRDC, University of Calcutta, organized an online Refresher Course titled Learning Outcomes and Competences in English Language and Literature: Postoclonial Perspectives from 02 March 2022 to 15 March 2022.
  11. The Department jointly with the Department of Comparative Indian Language and Literature organized an International Seminar titled ‘Literature and Aesthetics: Poetics of the Affective’ on 27 and 28 March 2023

Additional information :

  • Old Syllabus [ Click Here ]
  • New Syllabus 2018 [ Click Here ]
  • Revised Syllabus 2022 [ Click Here ]
  • The faculty members are engaged in publishing articles, monographs, editing of books. The department regularly publishes the departmental Journal. Teachers take part in visiting programmes, conferences, seminars and symposia and are associated, in their individual capacities, with various national and foreign Universities, institutions and literary organisations. Among the teachers are recipients of national and international awards.
  • The Department has a fully furnished modern seminar room. A Smart Classroom is in the process of being created. The Seminar Library is in high demand among the students.


Campus : Asutosh Siksha Prangan (College Street Campus)

Address for communication : Department of English Language and Literature, University of Calcutta, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata-700 073